
I’m a DevOps Engineer currently working for KMD A/S. I specialize in cloud engineering and automation using tools such as Terraform, Ansible and CI/CD pipelines in AzureDevops. I currently work on a team that develops a DevOps platform. It is solution that builds a DevOps environment that maintains and operates an application specific infrastructure in Microsoft Azure. The result is the ability to fast-track (a few hours) from project start to application ready and manageable Azure infrastructure. The solution creates and manages many Azure and Azure DevOps resources, including infrastructure pipelines, application build and deploy pipelines, application ready Kubernetes clusters, monitoring, log aggregation, virtual machine configuration, fine-grained access control, policy-based security monitoring, hybrid cloud connectivity (ExpressRoute) and much more, all with highly secure defaults.

My background is a Masters degree in Math-Economics from CBS with a focus on statistical modelling and natural language processing.